The Java programming language was developed in 1991 by a man named James Gosling, who worked for Sun Microsystems. In general, the main purpose of the Java programming language was to write a program only once and then have the power to run the same program on multiple operating systems. The first version of this program was released in 1995 and has been used all over the world. Sun Microsystems was acquired by Oracle USA in 2010 and this company is now logically responsible for the Java programming language. In addition, Sun Microsystems had a project available in 2006 under the GNU general public license, which it called OpenJDK. Over time, more advanced and updated versions have been released and the version that is now available is Java16.

Note that the Java programming language is defined with a programming language, main libraries and one Runtime. Runtime, or in other words Java Virtual Machine (JVM), allows various types of software developers to write program code in languages ​​other than Java programming languages ​​that can be run on a Java Virtual Machine. Note that the Java platform is generally associated with the Java virtual machine as well as Java corn libraries.

Java Design Principles

  • Standalone Platforms:

In general, Java applications do not have direct access to an operating system and use the Java Virtual Machine to generate an abstract relation. This makes programs made with the Java programming language easily run on a variety of platforms, or in other words, be portable.  A standard Java program can run on all supported operating systems such as Linux and Windows without the need for modification.

  • Object-oriented programming language:

In general, except for different types of primary data, all elements in the Java programming language are objects.

  • Strongly-typed programming language:

This feature means that the different types of variables to be used must be fully defined and their type should be clear. In this case, converting these variables to other forms must be relatively difficult. In most cases, this transformation must be done by a programmer.

  • Interpreted and compiled language:

The main Java code is converted to bytecode format, which is not dependent on the software platform, and the bytecode instructions are read and categorized by the Java virtual machine. The Java Virtual Machine is a compiler called Hotspot Compiler that converts important bytecode executable instructions into usable instructions.

  • Automatic memory management:

Java manages memory allocation as well as retrieving memory to generate new objects, and the program does not have direct access to memory. Note that something called the Garbage Controller automatically deletes items that have not been used.

Java syntax is very similar to C ++ programming, and Java is very sensitive to capital and small letters. For example, variables in which even one capital letter is written are known as two completely different variables with variables in which the same letter is written in small in another word.

  • When and where is Java used?

 Java programming language has been a good choice for inexperienced as well as experienced programmers for many years. We are going to name some of the most important applications of Java for you.

  • Create Android apps:

Although there are various ways to use Java Virtual Machine to generate input programs, note that the code written in these programs is basically based on the Java programming language. In general, the Kotlin programming language, the latest version and update of Android written in this language, also has its roots and foundations in Java. Note that in many cases, Google’s API programming interface is used to build an Android application.

  • Web-based application design:

Another area of ​​use of the Java programming language is the design of web applications, which in addition to many private organizations such as Google, government agencies, health care institutions, educational institutions, and even defense agencies use Java to build important web applications. 

  • Designing scientific programs:

Java programming language is also used to design scientific programs. Even compared to C ++, which is designed and built for this purpose, Java is superior.  This is because in addition to Portable, Maintainable, and secure Java programming language, it provides the designer with higher and better tools.

  • Software Tools:

Another area in which Java is used is software tools. Java is a very large part of the software industry. Java programming language is used to supply various types of open source and commercial projects.  Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, NetBeans IDE is one of the best programming environments for creating different types of Java applications, and even these environments themselves are developed with the Java programming language.

Java Features

  • High performance and performance:

One of the positive features of the Java programming language is high performance. Java code must first be converted to bytecode in the appropriate context and then compiled by the Java compiler. In addition, the code is transmitted as input to the Java Virtual Machine to become a usable language for the machine.

  • Inspired by C and C++:

C ++ and C are some of the most advanced programming languages ​​and can be considered as the ancestors of modern programming languages ​​such as Java and Python. Java is somewhat similar to C and C ++ but does not have features such as pointer and multi-inheritance. So, in order to be able to learn the Java programming language, you need to have a little understanding of C and C ++.

  • Memory AutoManaged Management:

Another positive feature of the Java programming language is that it has automatic memory management. As soon as an object in this programming language does not use memory, the memory is automatically recovered, and it is the responsibility of Run Time. C + C ++ programmers are well aware that writing object-oriented code is very difficult without retrieving the memory. This advantage of working with the Java programming language is well understood by programmers.

  • Multi-thread capability:

Multithreading capability has been created in the Java programming language, which allows people to create highly responsive and interactive applications that can perform two or more activities simultaneously with the help of Concurrent threads.

  • Independent of platforms:

Java has a popular slogan called (Write Once and Run Everywhere). The code used in Java is designed in a format called bytecode. These bytecodes are then executed in the Java Virtual Application Machine, and eventually any system on which the machine can run will be able to execute Java code.

  • Fully Object-oriented or object-oriented:

With the help of the C ++ programming language, which is semi-object-oriented, Java has been able to expand this capability to become a fully object-oriented programming language.  Some of the features that make Java a fully object-oriented language includes:

  1. Abstraction
  2. Encapsulation or Encapsulation
  3. Inheritance
  4. Polymorphism


  • Resistant:

Java guides the programmer to learn important habits and capabilities for creating the right programs.  Unlike the C and C ++, Java is a simple memory management model that is fully enhanced by the features of the Garbage Controller.

  • Being safe:

Runtime includes security-related features in the Java programming language. These include running time and data types at compile time. Despite such features, it is a little more difficult to attack and hack programs designed with the Java programming language.

  • Being simple:

Simplicity is one of the most convenient features of the Java programming language. In Java, due to the ambiguity of the syntax, you are dealing with a very simple language, so you can work with the basics of programming in Java with understanding and accuracy.

What is a virtual machine?

A Java Virtual Machine is a software implementation machine that runs software like a real machine for you. The Java Virtual Machine is written specifically for a specific operating system, and you need to have the most appropriate programming for your operating system to access it.

Java programs are compiled into bytecodes by the Java compiler.  The Java Virtual Machine translates bytecodes into intelligible language and runs the Java program.

Other benefits

  • It has a large number of open source libraries
  • It has various and strong forum and associations
  • It has several frameworks for quick program creation
  • It has a lot of tools and IDE for easy Java development
  • It has high level support from Oracle and is also supported by major technology companies such as Google and IBM.

Why is Java so famous?

One of the biggest reasons for Java’s popularity is that Java is independent of software domains. In fact, Java supports multiple programming platforms.  As long as the Java Runtime Environment exists, Java programs can run on a variety of machines and tools, such as phones, personal computers with MacOS, Linux, Windows and even mainframe computers. It should be noted that JRE is compatible with all of these.

Java has been introduced for two decades and has a lot of fans. Obviously, several large companies have built their foundations using this programming language. Even though a lot of time has passed since the production of this programming language, there is no sign of slowing down the progress of this programming language.

Java has unique capabilities that can combine innovation with stability. Any code that was originally written in Java has the ability to be executed in a Java virtual machine with new conditions. In addition, code written in the Java programming language also benefits from the following.

  • Use the latest version of Java profiling
  • Memory management
  • Convert usable code to machine

Because objects do not always need to be referenced by external data, Java code is always very resilient. This host is powerful enough to allow the creation and expansion of a very large collection of libraries and classrooms.

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