All about Spring Framework:

Spring Framework is one of the most popular application development frameworks for Java Enterprise. Many people around the world use the Spring framework to produce high-performance code that is easy to test as well as being reusable. Spring Framework is an open source software platform developed for the Java programming language. The framework was first written by Rod Johnson and then first released to the public in June 2003 under the Apache 2.0 license. This framework is very small in size and transparency, and the original version is only 2 megabytes.

One of the main features of this framework is that it can be used in the development of all Java applications, but to build web applications in the Java EE platform you must use Extensions plugins. One of the goals of the Spring Framework is to help you facilitate the use of J2EE, as well as to promote good programming techniques by providing POJO-based programming. This framework includes some nice features like dependency injection and pre-made modules like Spring JDBC, Spring MVC, Spring Security, Spring AOP, Spring ORM and Spring Test.


All modules greatly reduce the development time of an application.  For example, in the early days when you wanted to develop a program with a Java infrastructure, you had to write a lot of duplicate code multiple times to insert a record into a data source, but using the JDBCTemplate, which is part of the spring JDBC module, with just one small settings you can reduce duplicate code to just a few lines.

What is Spring boot?

Spring Boot is a project that, as its name implies, is based on the Spring framework. Spring Boot is a very simple and convenient way to set up, run, and configure web applications that are designed to be simple.  In Spring, you have to configure everything for yourself, so you can have the full number of configured files, such as XML descriptions. This is one of the main problems that you can solve by using spring boot. Spring Boot allows you to intelligently select your dependencies and automatically configure all the attributes you want to use. Then you can start your program with just one click. In addition, Spring Boot can make the process of setting up and running the program easier for you.

  The difference between Spring and Spring boot:

  1. Settings:

    In Spring Boot in the Spring Frame framework, you do not need to define all the items separately to design the usual settings required for Spring Boot. Annotations in Spring Boot are enough to manage everything.

    In Spring, to design programs based on Spring, the designer and programmer must do all the settings like Hibernate data source, Entity Manager, Session Factory and Transaction Management manually.

  2. XML:

    In Spring Boot for MVC Spring applications, some XML definitions are required and mandatory.

    In Spring Boot, you do not need to manage. only Annotations manages everything automatically.

  3. Control:

    In Spring Boot, this section controls loading completely automatically. For this reason, there are no additional features to delete and load by default.

    In Spring, make sure that the configuration is done manually and easily, so Spring or MVC Spring may not load some default and basic features for that particular program.

  4.  Use:

    In Spring Boot, this template will help you if the type of applications in the future are not defined correctly. Since the integration of each specific spring feature in Spring Boot is completely automatic, you do not need to add any additional settings. 

    In Spring, if the type of program or its features are fully specified, this template will help you more.

 Fundamental differences between Spring Framework and Spring BootFramework:

Note that any type of spring and spring boot models are very popular options today. We are going to tell you the main differences between these two frameworks.

1) Spring

Spring is very much focused on the main features as well as your MVC and you have to configure it manually.  You also need to specify which feature should be used for which application. While in spring boot, all the main features are loaded automatically. Note that the programmer no longer needs to define the configuration manually.

2) Spring core

Spring has several modules that are designed for different purposes. In addition, some of these are used for some common applications. Various modules like Spring JDBC, MVC, AOP, ORM are critical to the needs of the project. All modules have the ability to be configured and used based on the needs of a system and a project. While in Spring Boot you can easily just define different programs as @SpringBootConfiguration and make good use of all these needs of yours.  Note that Annotations are sufficient to manage the loading and configuration of the Spring, to manage all the properties of the modules based on the jar files or dependencies mentioned for the Spring Boot project.

3) Transaction management

This is one of the most important activities in the Spring framework.  The developer should try to define the appropriate key for your transaction management for all hibernate sessions or DB connections. In spring programs, these transaction-specific classes must be defined in a special configuration file in order to be used throughout the program and to be able to manage transactions properly.  While in Spring Boot, all transaction data is automatically managed manually without the need for any special settings, and in addition, everything is done automatically. A trance action can be defined when opening or closing sessions or connections.  Also, this transaction can be reversed depending on the completion status of the comet.

4) ORM

To integrate ROM tools for all Spring framework applications, you must define their sources in the configuration file and make changes to each of the tools and ORM exchanges. However, the spring boot of these items can be easily configured automatically and does not require manual intervention. All you have to do is define a database attribute file for the settings.

And in the end,

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